Chiropractic Care

Chronic pain is a common experience and the National Institutes of Health report that at least 10 percent of the global population suffers from chronic pain on a regular basis. Older individuals, athletes, and folks recovering from car accidents and other events are often at much higher risks of suffering chronic aches. The good news is that if you live in or near Williamsville and Buffalo, NY, chiropractic care provided by Dr. William Krieger may be your ticket to lasting pain relief. We’ll take a closer look at some chiropractic treatment methods for pain as well as the benefits of these treatments versus other pain management methods.

What Makes Chiropractic Care Different

Crucially, chiropractors strive to address the root causes of a patient’s aches and pains. Meanwhile, traditional pain medications often only cover up the pain but don’t address the underlying problems triggering pain signals. The result? After the body processes the medication, and it wears off, the pain typically returns. Sometimes, your aches will even be worse than before because the underlying problem has been aggravated.

With chiropractic treatments, the goal is to stop pain signals from being triggered. An aligned spine can support a well-balanced musculoskeletal system, in which the muscles don’t have to overwork to compensate for one that is tight from gliding over displaced tissue. The risk of misaligned or swollen tissues compressing a nerve root is also decreased, as is the risk of blockage in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.

If you or your loved ones live in or near Williamsville and Buffalo, NY, and would like to try chiropractic care, schedule an appointment with Dr. Krieger. He can use a variety of treatment methods, including massage therapy and spinal manipulation, to address your aches and pains.

What Are the Forms of Chiropractic Care and What Can They Address?

There are many different chiropractic treatment methods. Some of the most popular methods used by Dr. Krieger include:

  • Spinal manipulation- Instrument-assisted treatment to ensure the spine is properly aligned.
  • Massage therapy- Used to relieve muscle tension and pain.
  • Therapeutic exercises and stretching-  Therapeutic exercises may include a series of stretches that can help strengthen the body and relieve muscle tension. 
  • Cold laser therapy- Stimulates the body’s natural healing processes.  

Some folks are surprised to learn how many different types of pain chiropractic care can address. Chiropractors are sometimes thought of as back doctors or spine specialists. While many chiropractors do emphasize the back, many can also treat pain elsewhere. Further, resolving back issues can provide pain relief throughout the body. For example, addressing strain in the upper back can reduce strain on the muscles in your neck, which in turn can prevent tension headaches.

If you’d like to try chiropractic care and live in or near Williamsville and Buffalo, NY, call 716 633 6044 to reach Dr. Krieger.

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